I love the way a cat…

I love the way a cat
looks at the chaos of the world and goes on its merry little way
licking itself
adoring the way you adore it.

I love the way a cat
blinks its slow blink at you, its version of a secret smile that is for you alone
curls on your chest as you try to type
fully aware that it is interrupting and doesn’t give a flying fig
cause it knows you were smitten from the first glance
and you will drop everything to scratch under its chin

I love the way a cat
is unimpress-able by your
hot body
intelligent conversation
cool comic book collection
rare insights

I love the way a cat
scurries to your lap when you cry in the night
quietly looks at alarm in your pain
gently quizzically says, why?
when you are everything to me…
why cry…don’t you know you own the world
and have captured my heart for all eternity?

I love the way a cat cares nothing for world domination
but is secure in the assurance that it has you wrapped
around its softly padded paw…even as it wraps itself
around your legs when you appear out of nowhere from the front door

I love the way a cat
lets you think you chose it/him/her
from the
pet store window,
the shelter at the pound,
the city dump
the garbage heap
when all the time, it/he/she fully
knows it chose you.
when you thought you were rescuing it,
it was rescuing you.
it continues to rescue you.
every sleepless night
every listless Monday morning.

Marsha Hedrick

My earliest memories are of playing in my private sandbox for hours, creating and dreaming, the sun shining on my face. Once I grew up, I played with manuscripts (book publishing), slogans and type (advertising) and stories (professional theatre -marketing). Most recently, I play with hues and shades, (watercolor, colored pencils) and line (pen and ink). My world has always been one big sandbox—only the type of sand changes.




Soul Crushing